Tales of a wandering lesbian


I’ve taught myself a number of things over the years:  guitar, Microsoft Access, html.  Right now I’m learning how to meditate.

Every day I try to take some time with my dog Libby and we sit in the park in our neighborhood.

Picture 047

This is the view from the bench we sit in.  Meditation has a steep learning-curve for me, but ‘m willing to give it time.

Today, on our way to the park, we happened upon the evidence of someone else’s self-training.

Picture 035

These books were scattered next to the sidewalk.  It’s so awesome I had to go back to get my camera…

Along with the “Teach Yourself to Play Guitar” book was another gem:

Orgasm Bible

Yeah, that’s how enlightened I am.  I had to walk back to the house to get the camera to take a picture of the word “orgasm.”

You see what I mean about a steep learning-curve.  I think maybe I should try a little harder with the meditation.

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July 10, 2009   2 Comments