Tales of a wandering lesbian


A lawyer by training. An activist at heart. Kristin is the biggest kid you will ever meet.

As a GLBT activist, political and community organizer, and public speaker, Kristin has spoken out about the importance of personal connections—in politics, on the road toward full equality, and in our daily lives.

“When we share ourselves and our stories, we break down barriers, and create lasting relationships that inform the ongoing work of our lives.”

She brings that same perspective to her newest project: Mid Leap.

Ever want to quit your job, sell your house and travel?

Yeah, who hasn’t? After a life-changing, 12-day trip to Italy, that’s exactly what she’s doing.

The Project

Mid Leap is a project rooted in fun and sparked by deep connection. A project that has the courage to ask, “hey, what’s in here?”

Travel: Beginning in Barga, Italy, Kristin will begin by living with local artists, exploring their art and environment. Guided by the advice of the Barga artists, and friends from the states, she will travel to her next destination, and then the next, and the next—developing a network of fantastic people along the way!

Blog: Throughout the trip, midleap.com will serve as a journal of this experience, sharing and inspiring others to be brave, travel the world, and above all, follow their hearts!

Repeat: As she develops relationships with real people, Kristin will create a portfolio of fabulous travel experiences—or “Leaps” that she will offer to interested clients. Art clinics in Tuscany? Cooking workshops in Rome? You betcha!

Want to join Kristin on her adventure? Know some place she should visit?  Check out the “Take a Leap” section and leave a note.

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July 7, 2009   5 Comments