Ask a gay
So you have some questions? Ask away.
I’m a firm believer that, if we can just drop our walls, and meet each other, gently, with whatever language we have, we can learn about each other. And that’s how we get to know that we’re all beautifully human.
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You ask, I’ll tell. Let’s get it on.
Okay…Carl and I have a full bottleneck of questions. Our minds are reeling, but we cannot verbalize yet. We’ll get some notebook paper and we’ll be back!
Do you prefer the terms– gay or lesbian? And is that an okay question to ask “da gay” person?
Why is my cat so obsessed with my lady friend? She says the cat is jealous. I say I’m jealous. And if I only have one cat, am I really a lesbian?
Why is it that every lesbian I know has at least one gay boyfriend? And, since a gay man and a lesbian make up a “one man- one woman” relationship, should they just get married and start a whole new brand of gay marriage?
Why do lesbians like softball so much?
Should we really define our friends by gender or even accept those that do?
Do you view men as competition for the women in your life?
I know that you are a voracious reader. But….doesn’t it get old to be constantly reading about heterosexual love in 99% of all the fiction out there? I know I read the occasional gay love scene with detached fascination, and realized that it must be the same for you, only in EVERY book.
What do you consider sex?
If lesbians use and like toys such as dildos and vibrators, why don’t they like a real live penis? I’ve experienced both and a real penis is better. Usually.
Butch dikes…please explain. I’ve known and worked with a few, and I view them as another man. But, when it comes to the lesbians that love them….what’s the difference between a very masculine woman and a slightly effeminate man? Other than the obvious plumbing?
What about breast play? Are breasts considered erogenous enough to have sex with?
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