Tales of a wandering lesbian


There are precious few moments I can point to in my life as times when I was completely present.  Yesterday I experienced one of them.

Sitting on the back porch of my friend’s new house, breathing the evening light, I found myself engaged.  One minute I was thinking about the nap I had meant to take, and the next I had drifted.  Without trying to be, I was there.  Peaceful and complete and aware.

I took in the soft light filtering through the clouds.  The hint of summer in my nose.  The wisteria blossoms.  And the lie of our legs extended out as we sat on the wood of the deck.  In that moment I was present.  Sitting silently.  Fully awake.

As my friend shifted closer, and her dog found my hand with her nose, I smiled, the awareness of this complete, beautiful moment rolling over me.  I had no memory of my lost nap, no concern for when we would leave, or if we’d return.  I had only the feeling of the little red house on my back, and simple, grounded contentment.

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1 Kenda { 05.11.10 at 6:23 am }


2 Ant { 05.11.10 at 9:07 am }

That is really……nice.

3 Heather T { 05.11.10 at 2:37 pm }

Savor those moments, they are precious. Beautiful post.

4 Tribe of One { 05.13.10 at 3:03 pm }
