Tales of a wandering lesbian

Portland is cool

Portland’s cool.  It really is.  Sometimes I forget, and I am reminded forcefully by my friends who take it as a personal insult – defending the awesomeness of Portland like it’s a family member.

Today, walking back from an excellent breakfast at the waffle cart (cool), I noticed that one of the homeowners along the way had converted their little garage into an artist’s studio in the Mississippi arts district (super cool).


When I walked over to snap a picture, I noticed a bike bell – hanging from the mirror of a van parked in front of the studio (the coolest).


It pretty much broke my cool meter.

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1 Heather { 07.09.09 at 12:14 am }

hahaha broke the cool meter! That is great!

2 KFlick { 08.06.09 at 7:17 pm }

Update on this gallery. Evidently, in addition to being cool, it’s a pretty frickin’ awesome community gallery. You can check it out at http://www.goodpdx.com. Looks like one of the artists involved was involved with Coraline. Wow.

3 Back in P-Land | Mid Leap { 01.13.10 at 6:22 pm }

[…] I forget how cool Portland is.  You don’t even have to look for incredible places to eat here.  I’ve never even heard of […]

4 Roman holiday | Mid Leap { 05.04.10 at 1:34 pm }

[…] scooter and headed back to my hotel.  I gave him a big American hug and offered to take him around Portland if we found ourselves there at the same time.  He agreed and hopped back on the scooter.  I’m […]